Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Some of the highest flights of spirituality, are captured beautifully in words, by our most ancient seers, in the most ancient language - Sanskrit.

Yoga Vasistham, is one such book par excellence. It's a detailed dialogue, between the Spi
ritual Warrior Rama and his Spiritual Preceptor Vasistha. What follows is a beautiful rendition of the highest truths, known to man; in a series of pertinent questions asked by Rama and the most wise answers given by Sage Vasistha.

Yoga Vasistha is an elaborate work, consisting of 32,000 verses and 64,000 lines. It beautifully takes us through the spiritual journey of Sri Rama and describes how Rama’s knowledge, wisdom and understanding evolved and progressed throughout the different stages of his life.

Language is the most important tool when it comes to preserving the gems of History. The versatility and range of Sanskrit, leaves you mesmerized, even as it masterfully captures the minutest of details, which falls short of human description. Guess, that's why it's called "The Language of Gods".

I foresee a time, when Sanskrit and other dead languages, shall have to be revived soulfully, to save us from a definite communication rut that we now face, with a degrading trend of SMS parlance (Can you beat it, there's even a dictionary for SMS jargon). Till that time, let's make our existing use of language a bit better, by using it right - Just the way it's supposed to be; n nt n bits n pee ces, re'pin lahnguage black n blue. Wot say dude!

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