Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Journey Begins

Dear One,

My journey inward, begins today. I shall not be around for 10 odd days doing the routine. Instead, I will be exploring something very different and multi-dimensional. It is a soulful retreat that I am going to; where I get a chance to explore my true self, without any distractions. Hoping to come out of it saner and wiser. Wish me luck!

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Insight Meditation

Dear One,

More than 2500 years ago, the Great Enlightened Master - Gautama Buddha gave the world a beautiful meditation technique. That wonderful technique of meditation was to form the foundation of Spiritual Enlightenment of hundreds of thousands of meditators throughout the ages.

Till this date, the meditation technique that Buddha gave has enlightened more persons than all the other meditation techniques combined together.

Buddha gave the world the meditation technique called Vipassana. “Vipassana” is a Pali word and it means “Pure Watchfulness”. It implies watching and observing the reality around us as it is, without any bias whatsoever. Vipassana is also called “Anapansati Yoga”. It’s the meditation technique that’s practised by a majority of the Buddhist meditators.

The technique of Vipassana essentially involves watching the breath and the breathing process. Through this watching, the mind calms, the awareness of the meditator improves dramatically over time. He is able to witness the reality and true nature of things as they are, without any mental bias whatsoever. He comes out of all conditionings and this inner cleansing gives rise to immense tranquillity and bliss.

The Vipassana meditator is a blissful person and has a great sense of humour. His mental sharpness improves and he is not attached by anything. Life becomes a drama and he enjoys every moment of it. The awareness that arises in the time of meditation gradually spreads to all the activities of the day. This mental focus and dexterity also brings great success and accomplishments to the Vipassana meditator in all the spheres of his life as an added bonus. This success comes as he participates in the activities of his day to day life totally and not partially.

The small but powerful ray of awareness that starts initially from being aware of the breath, gradually spreads into the more subtle realms of the mind like the thoughts, feelings, emotions and the subconscious mind. Hence layers after layers of the inner mind are peeled gradually and one gets freed of those conditionings. This releases a lot of trapped energy that was entangled in these negative layers of the subconscious mind.

Thus the Vipassana meditator is always in a great state of relaxation and is like a reservoir of energy. His life force is not wasted and leaked in the continuous thought process that goes on always in the ordinary mind uncontrollably. He becomes a true master of himself and his mind. He is able to use it as an equipment rather than being used by it.

In the beginning stages, the meditator needs greater time and silence to get deeper into the Alertness. Witnessing is an art that needs to be learnt gradually. Slowly the mind calms and is not distracted easily. A 10 day meditation retreat is very helpful as it serves as a foundation for the beginner and he gets easily grounded into the watchfulness and learns the knack of Awareness. Then he can practise the meditation and remain watchful uninterrupted even in the most distracting place.

The benefits of Vipassana meditation are numerous. It improves the patience and frees from all vices like addictions and uneasiness. The gains of Vipassana can be felt right from the very first session, but they require regular and continuous practice for the deeper gains to materialize over time. It requires commitment and perseverance on the part of the meditator.

By and by the meditator is able to chisel his way through the illusions of the world and achieve a total clarity. He becomes aware of his own being and true self. He is a true winner and his triumph is beyond words. Vipassana can be done on a standalone basis or can be done along with other meditation techniques, which can greatly enhance the overall results of meditation.

Try it. You will never regret it.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Pathless Path

Dear One,

It's time for me to take the journey...A journey inward. A journey transcending all limitations of time and space; diving headlong into the deepest recesses of my very being. I very well know, it's not going to be an easy journey. It is going to be strewn with unknown peril at every turn and it shall make me sway between the past, present and future; yet I hesitate no more.

My mind is made up and I shall walk the path alone. The ground below my feet shall be broken deliberately, in an attempt to teach me to fly. In the end, either I shall take to the skies or crash land with heavy remorse. There are no other options. For, it is, what it is. The journey has to be made by all someday.

This is a journey I fear the most; the journey of self-discovery. You can face the whole world, single handedly with a lie, but to face your own self with the truth is indeed a difficult game. The road to self-discovery is not a pleasant one, as it is like a clean polished mirror, showing you, who you really are. Years of effort to hide behind your favorite mask is cut asunder in a jiffy, leaving you stark naked. It is a journey of self-acceptance and self-denial, where contradictions meet on a common ground. There is no escape from it - for you, as well as for me.

In order to become new, you have to exterminate the old. To let go of the old, is as difficult as it is to embrace the new. You can bury it deep inside your heart's darkest corners, but it shall seldom die or leave you alone. It will show it's ugly face when you least want to see it; for it has become an unquestionable part of you. To forget something is not deliverance, it is just a form of self-denial. Peace of mind is not in forgetting; but in accepting.

The quest for happiness takes us everywhere, except inside our very soul. To look within, is to look for answers to all the questions you have ever asked. Few answers will take you to higher planes of understanding and a few questions will suck you deeper into the darkest abyss of your own soul. Nonetheless, the questions have to be asked and the answers, listened to. The first step in self-discovery is in asking the questions you always wanted to ask and listening to the answers you never wanted to know.

My quest for answers has begun and I am ready to ask the questions too. I have to walk the path, no matter how hard it turns out to be. Sooner or later, one realizes that  you have to walk your own path and no one gives you company till the end. Everything you hold dear shall drop off one day, like lotus dew, leaving you bare and dry. That's when you will have to make a choice - drown in the murky waters of life or rise above it to attain salvation. You can ignore the path for now, but you will have to walk it someday. Be prepared.

My bags are packed and I am ready to walk the path. What about you?

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Poor Richard's Almanac

Dear One,

Very few must have heard about this 1732 publication, and a handful might have actually read it; yet some of the best known proverbs of our times are derived from this humble work of Benjamin Franklin.

Franklin was a man of great many talents. He was a leading author and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, soldier and diplomat. I guess the oldies really valued their life and did everything to make it memorable. So, our man was a jack of many trades and talent used in the service of his country.

Benjamin Franklin is credited as being foundational to the roots of American values and character, a marriage of the practical and democratic puritan values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment.

Poor Richard's almanac was a private diary of sorts, where he wrote about everything he could come across. It contained information on astronomy, morals, poems, calender, weather etc. and it was a huge hit with the common masses of that time. He used it effectively as his political  mouth-piece and the common masses used it  as their reliable guidepost. (News letters, by the way, are not a modern information tool.)

I have reproduced some of the least known sayings from this monumental work of Old Ben, for you to enjoy the old world literary charm. Read it with an open heart and you will surely be won over by these simple and practical sayings of yore.

Would you live with ease,
Do what you ought, and not what you please.

Better slip with foot than tongue.

You cannot pluck roses without fear of thorns,
Nor enjoy a fair wife without danger of horns.

Without justice, courage is weak.

Many dishes many diseases,
Many medicines few cures.

Hot things, sharp things, sweet things, cold things
All rot the teeth, and make them look like old things.

Be temperate in wine, in eating, girls, & sloth;
Or the Gout will seize you and plague you both.

No man e’er was glorious, who was not laborious.

What pains our Justice takes his faults to hide,
With half that pains sure he might cure ’em quite.

In success be moderate.

Take this remark from Richard poor and lame,
Whate’er’s begun in anger ends in shame.

What one relishes, nourishes.

Fools multiply folly.

Look before, or you’ll find yourself behind.

Approve not of him who commends all you say.

By diligence and patience, the mouse bit in two the cable.

A little House well fill’d, a little Field well till’d, and a little Wife well will’d, are great Riches.

Some are weatherwise, some are otherwise.

Teach your child to hold his tongue, he’l learn fast enough to speak.

He that cannot obey, cannot command.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

An 'ANT'-ique Life

Dear One,

As a child, I used to watch in awe, the day to day life of the lowly ants. With their secret hiding places in every imaginable nook and corner they are the wonder workers of the insect kingdom. Silent, yet highly communicative with each other, the lives of ants are nothing short of a mystery. Over the years, as they watched me grow from a child to a man, I too have managed to learn many invaluable lessons from these small wonders of creation.

Over 10,000 species of ants have been documented all over the world. With an average life span of not more than 45 to 60 days, they live their lives to the fullest and work hard to contribute to their own kind. The combined weight of ants on earth is more than the combined weight of humans put together. Imagine, if one day, nature decides to play a nasty trick on us humans, and give the ants, the power of superior intelligence - what would be our plight then? We shall be overthrown like a rag doll by our countless miniscule neighbors.

All things apart, what I admire most, is the sense of undying loyalty to their queen. Ants are master soldiers, who don't hesitate to give their lives to save the queen. Their secret life has been re-discovered and documented by a group of researchers and by doing so, have given the world, a glimpse into their world of discipline and order, prompting us to learn a well deserved lesson or two from them.

Nearly about 700,000 members can be found in a single ant colony, ruled by one or more queens. It is one of the most advanced and organized colonies to be ever conceived in the animal kingdom. Every ant is self-driven and has a specific role to play in the upkeep of the colony. They fulfill their allotted duties with great  alacrity and with an undying sense of responsibility. Imagine a small virtual world in each colony, inhabited by millions of ant dwellers cohabiting in perfect harmony and peace, under the leadership of a lazy queen.

A peep inside their magnificent world, what you find, is an intricate system of unified team work. One for all and all for one, seems to be their silent motto. How much I wish,  humans learn this unique trait from the ants. Then there will be less of strife and more of bonding amongst each other. Nature has it's unique way of imparting life's lessons to the less observant humans. Did you know, that an ant's abdomen contains two stomachs. One stomach holds food for itself while the other one contains food to be shared with other ants. What a practical way of proving 'Sharing is Caring' ideology.

The ant colony is bound by a set of instinctive rules that every ant seem to follows to the 'T'. It has been documented, that there are rarely any ant-fights in the colony. All work for a common cause and they know their roles perfectly. Managers of our breed are seldom able to manage and set expectations to a handful of team mates, whereas, the ants steal away the show by handling millions with perfect ease.

Sometimes, when an unexpected catastrophe occurs, the ants respond by quickly adapting their duties to overcome the problem. We know it as contingency management and both ants and humans share the following endeavors, but they take away the cake right under our nose by their sheer ingenuity.

LIVESTOCK FARMING herd aphids and "milk" them for nectar-like food

CULTIVATION growing underground gardens for food

CHILDCARE feeding young and providing intensive nursery care

EDUCATION teaching younger ants the tricks of the trade

CLIMATE CONTROL maintaining a strict 77o F. for developing ants

CAREER SPECIALIZATION changing & learning new careers

CIVIC DUTIES responding with massive group projects

ARMED FORCES raising an army of specialized soldier ants

SECURITY warding off other ants, insects and animals

EARTH MOVERS move at least as much soil as earthworms

SOCIAL PLANNING maintain ratio of workers, soldiers and reproductives

ENGINEERING tunnel from two directions and meet exactly midway

COMMUNICATIONS complex tactile and chemical communication system

FLOOD CONTROL incorporate water traps to keep out rain

SANITATION some ants process waste material so that it safely decomposes

LIMITED FREE WILL inter-relationships more symbiotic than coercive

So, what do you have to say? Are we humans still the smartest of species? 

Well, it's time to rethink and revaluate.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Art Of Speaking

Dear One,

Do you know that the average man speaks around 7000 words a day and women...Any guesses???

Alright here is the answer. An average woman chats up a whooping average of 20,000 words a day. Almost thrice of what a man can ever think of speaking. Ain't that incredible. However, the point is how much of the words we speak daily are worthy of making a difference to the overall quality of our lives.

We Indians, as any other breed, have a penchant to talk tirelessly. One research also shows that, half of what we speak is utterly useless and the other half, people just fail to comprehend. In simple terms, it means most of what we speak is plain crap. Then why do we speak so much in the first place?

One main reason for us to speak endlessly is to gain acceptance. We are social creatures of circumstance and to gain the respect of another fellow being, we speak or discuss or end up downright arguing. The characteristics of a great conversation is a fine balance between speaking and listening. We think we have,  honed the art of speaking perfectly; however we still have a long way to go in the art of skillful listening.

Hasn't it happened many a times, when we pour out our hearts and this friend just keeps listening, without uttering a single word; only their eyes conveying a sense of understanding. You feel so unburdened and relieved that you have no other words to express. That is the magic of speaking effectively - not speaking at all; but soulfully listening. Listening is a dying art, as everyone wants to speak and be heard. The one thing they love is to hear the magic of their own voice.

I recently happened to talk to a sales guy, who was a college student and he was extremely articulate with his sales pitch. He seemed to flow like a river, touching all points of importance and gesticulating with excitement about his product. I gave him the freedom to express, and when my time came to ask him a few questions  about the product he was representing, he got mortally offended. Our man became so indignant, that he refused to answer my questions with a straight face. By the way, I did not buy his product and he lost an interested customer.

What amazes me the most, is the sense of senseless self-love, kids have acquired now-a-days. The way they have a mindless grasp over their tongues is truly a sight worth watching and listening to. Their talks are filled with an air of arrogance, bordering on self-obsession. Aggression has become their second nature, jarring every sentence with a rawness, you have never heard before. Their words drip with reckless abandon, caring not what or who they are speaking to. And, the best part is, they take pride in being arrogant and love to cut people down with their sharp tongues. But, how long does it take for a sharp tongue to cut it's own throat?  Only time will tell.

Everyone should learn the fine art of speaking (and listening too). When compared, it is like a glass of exquisite wine. You smell the aroma of intelligence wafting, the rich hue of timeless refinement, the smoothness of words when you swirl it around and finally the full-bodied taste hitting your mental taste buds when you take it in with pleasure. Then, all that is left, is to sit back and enjoy the whole experience like a vintage piece of timeless music. Soulful speech creates such a symphony of words, so expertly mixed to perfection, that it brings harmony to the listener's minds - that's the key.

Language is a powerful medium of expression. When mastered, it can become your greatest asset and when used wisely, it can be a powerful tool for transformation. I too, am a humble student of language, trying to decipher it's deepest mysteries, but also, not forgetting to listen to it's unspoken words. Refine your speech and see how it refines you invariably.

May your words be worth listening to.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Statutes For The New Millennium

Dear One,

Notes from my favorite author - Paulo Coelho. Adapted from his beautiful book, 'Like The Flowing River', here is a list of  ennobling words for us to live by.

1. We are are all different, and should do what we can to remain so.

2. Each human being was given two possibilities: action and contemplation. Both lead to the same place.

3. Each human being was given two qualities: power and the gift. Power directs us towards our destiny; the gift obliges us to share with others what is best in us.

4. Each human being was given a virtue: the ability to choose. Anyone who fails to use this virtue transforms it into a curse, and others will choose for them.

5. Each human being has his or her own sexual identity and should be able to exorcise that identity without guilt as long as they don’t force that sexual identity on others.

6. Every human being has a personal legend to be fulfilled, and this is our reason for being in the world. This personal legend manifests itself in our enthusiasm for the task.

7. One can abandon one’s personal legend for a time, as long as one does not forget about it entirely and returns to it as soon as possible.

8. Every man has a feminine side, and every woman a masculine side. It is important to use discipline with intuition, and to use intuition with objectivity.

9. Every human being should know two languages: the language of society and the language of signs. One serves to communicate with other people, the other serves to understand God’s messages.

10. Every human being has the right to search for happiness, and by ‘happiness’ is meant something that makes that individual feel content, not necessarily something that makes other people feel content.

11. Every human being should keep alive in them the sacred flame of madness, but should behave as a normal person.

12. Only the following items should be considered to be grave faults: not respecting another’s rights; allowing oneself to be paralysed by fear; feeling guilty; believing that one does not deserve the good or ill that happens in one’s life; being a coward.

We will love our enemies, but not make alliances with them. They were placed in our path in order to test our sword, and we should, out of respect for them, struggle against them.

We will choose our enemies.

13. All religions lead to the same God, and all deserve the same respect.
Anyone who chooses a religion is also choosing a collective way of worshipping and sharing the mysteries. Nevertheless, that person is the only one responsible for his or her actions along the way and has no right to shift responsibility for personal decisions on to that religion.

14. It is hereby decreed that the wall separating the sacred and the profane be torn down. From now on, everything is sacred.

15. Everything that is done in the present affects the future in the form of consequence and affects the past in the form of redemption.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Art Of Story Telling

Dear One,

Stories are a gift to humankind. They are outpourings of a creative mind. Don't you remember the days of yore, when you begged for a bed time story from your grand parents. You would pursue them relentlessly to tell a story you have listened to a thousand times. You sat on their frail yet comfortable lap and listen intently to their wonderful words. Your eyes would open wide in anticipation and your mind would soar high in imagination. They were the best story tellers. Weren't they?

Those were the days of simplicity and beauty; where the stories were of brave Kings and Queens ready to fight for a righteous cause. Your little eyes would cringe in pain when your hero suffered and it would dance in joy when they won. You became a part of the story and you started living it in your own childish ways. You travelled to far away places with your imagination as the fellow guide. You were introduced to a whole new world of sights and sounds making it a magical experience. Isn't it?

And then you grew up.

You got more interested in facts than in fiction. Your mind was not to be appeased by the tales of the  mythical legends. You rebuffed them as a figment of some insane mind. Your mind had turned impervious to the pleasures of vivid imagination. You now try to find a strain of logic in these simple stories, rather than simply enjoying them. You now live a life of factual reality. Your children ask for a story and you put them off to sleep to avoid a tacky situation. You try to recollect the stories you listened to as a child, but your memory fails and ultimately you fall asleep.

Stories and story telling are a fine art. It is a gateway to another dimension. It frees your soul of all the fetters and makes it fly like a bird. It takes you to unknown lands, only to grant you a perfect homely experience. Stories are the voices from the past. It speaks to you in it's ageless tongue. It teaches you to communicate with the fairies and angels of the past, making them a part of your own world.

What are you waiting for? Regain the timeless pleasures of your childhood exploits by rediscovering the stories that you once cherished.Go back to where it all began and it will surely bring in lots of fond memories to re-live.

By the way, why not make your life a story worth telling? Think about it.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Memoirs Of A Terror Victim

Dear One,

I just turned 24 and I am dead already. I am now spending sleepless nights in my grave, hoping that someone might pay heed to my deathly words. I speak to you from my grave, so that you understand how it feels to be dead and gone in seconds. It's sad, you never listened to me when I was alive, at least listen to me, now that I am dead.'

I did not expect my life to come to an end so abruptly. I had grand dreams to fulfill and responsibilities to attend to. Who knew that one cup of coffee at a local restaurant would change my life forever; in fact take my very life. Life can be so unpredictable and unfair to an extent that it slips away without any fore warning.'

'Well, it was another weekend just like the rest - lazy and cozy. I wanted to catch up with some old friends and spend time over a steaming cup of coffee and weekly happenings. The haunt was a place where I visited quite often. Rustic and relaxed in it's setting, it was a home away from home for many like me. Moreover, the food was good and the people, even better. All seemed so well and normal when suddenly my whole life virtually tumbled down like an unstable deck of cards.'

'A deafening noise rocked the whole place and black smoke mixed with pandemonium billowed everywhere. No one knew what had happened. I thought, it could be a gas cylinder that had given away, but wasn't too sure. I could see people screaming and crying for help and in minutes the whole place wore a ghastly mood of death. Suddenly a frightening thought emerged from the recesses of my fading mind - Was I a victim of terrorism?'

'I did not feel any pain nor could tell whether I was losing blood by the second. In fact, I could feel nothing. My ears were humming a long unfamiliar note, my eyes were playing tricks on me and my mind was numb with fear. I knew something was horribly wrong. I couldn't move my limp body an inch further, but my mind was racing between the past and the future. It was like a movie being rewinded and played in slow motion for me to enjoy and relive every bit of it. I knew deep inside that the movie was coming to an end very soon.'

'In my mind's eye, I saw all my loved ones shedding tears of grief over a dead body. The body was mutilated and beyond human recognition. I, too, for a while was wondering who's the body might be. It was not at all a pleasant sight even to vaguely dream of. Then it struck me like a crude bolt of lightening; the mutilated body was unfortunately mine - I was dead.'

'Now, I speak to you as a victim of terror. I too was like you when I was alive. I had strong opinions against terrorism and wanted to remove this nameless evil from human society. The 26/11 blasts were still fresh in my mind and I wanted to do my bit in eradicating this vice forever. I campaigned with various anti-terror groups, led a candle-night vigil for all the tragic souls who lost their lives in terror attacks, posted strong comments on networking sites expressing my disgust and support. Then one day, I became the victim of the very cause I was fighting for.'

'How I wish, someone would have listened and took notice when I was still alive. I could have lived a few more happy years with my family and friends. All that everyone does, is shed a few tears of sorrow and speak a few strong words of resentment against terrorism and move on with their lives. They forget everything only to be remembered once again by a rude explosion or some breaking news on a TV channel. Then the whole drama is re-enacted all over again. I am sorry to say, but it has become such a meaningless farce.'

'These are my last words to you from the beyond. What happened once may not happen again; but if it happens a second time, be sure, it will happen a third. History is famous for repeating itself time and again when you least expect. Do not become a victim of terror as I; it is not worth it. Do something before it's too late. Take your life seriously and join the cause to eradicate terror by it's very roots.'

'It's just a matter of one decision and that could change your life and millions of others forever.'

'I know you hate terrorism as much as I did, but are "YOU" doing something about it?'

'I am dead; but you are still alive (at least for now). You can do something about it.

Won't you?'

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

P.S - This is in no way to hurt the sentiments of anyone living or dead. It is my humble tribute to the ones who lost their lives in the recent bomb blasts and a reminder call for the rest of us to take heed. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Memoirs Of A Terrorist

Dear One,

I am not a terrorist. I am a human being who has gone astray from humanity. No matter how hard I try to reason between right and wrong, I don't seem to come to a conclusion. I am so confused between good and evil, that I have stopped differentiating them anymore. My heart and mind were systematically forced to believe that religion has it's own demands of selfless sacrifices; and now it's my turn to make.'

'It was not like this always. My life was a peaceful one; playing in the lush green meadows with herds of cows and sheep to give me company. My father was a farmer and I loved watching him till the soil and plant seeds. I often asked him why he planted these tiny seeds. He used to put his strong arms on my shoulder and would answer saying that he was planting life to sustain life. Who knew that one day, I would be taking hundreds of lives to sustain a few selfish ones in the name of religion.'

'I am not a terrorist. I am an instrument of terror used by some nameless and faceless entity. I have let my life become a puppet in their scheming hands. How will I justify my position; I know not. I have accepted my plight with ruthless abhorrence. My life has become a game of hide and seek. I seek to kill and then hide to save my own skin.'

'My mother always told me that every religion preaches love for God and man alike. But when I met this man, he brainwashed me into thinking that my religion supports death over life and in spilling innocent blood to appease itself. He recounted all the unknown atrocities committed on my own kind, and said that it was time to payback. Thousands of youngsters, like me, were forced to take up a life of violence in order to prove our loyalty to our God and religion.'  

'Sometimes, my heart yearns for a life away from all this bloodshed, but who cares about me and what I think. All they know is blood and bloody warfare. They have made shedding blood a holy affair. I have become a heartless animal; bloodthirsty and driven by hate for my fellow human beings. All my actions are driven by an unknown sense of hate. Hate is more powerful than love, as it does not know the virtues of patience as love does. So it acts on impulse and then repents in leisure.' 

'I am not a terrorist. I am a creature of circumstance. I too want to grow into a loving father, son or husband. But now, all this seems too far off for me to even dream about. I have blood in my hands and it will never come off, even after a hundred lifetimes. My nights are spent sleepless, as voices of the dead haunt me, so I seldom close my eyes. I live a life of the waking dead and my mind too has become someone else's toy to manipulate around. I do what I am told to do, and end up executing someone's diabolical dreams.' 

'I want to confess today, that I want to be human again. I am fed of this life of blood, gore and hate. I don't know where to turn to. Wherever I turn, all I see is hatred and selfishness. I thought God is all-merciful and just, but he has deserted us in the hands of the so-called "Protectors of Religion". Alas! I am doomed for eternity and I deserve it.'

'Let my life be an example for all of you. Do not fight in the name of religion. Religion is man-made. God is Eternal. DO NOT listen to people who use God and religion, as a tool for creating moral dissension or  righteous confusion. They don't belong to any religion at all; they are just a vicious breed of blood sucking and mind numbing parasites; waiting to play with gullible minds for their own ulterior motives.'

'I am not a terrorist. I am a victim of terrorism just like you. Only you can save yourselves and your loved ones now. Join hands and wage a war against terrorism. Raise your voice and question your country's leaders for answers and force them to take concrete actions. No empty consoling talks, but well planned strategic steps to counter and combat terrorism is what is required. Do not let them sleep in peace and you too don't sleep it off after a week of heightened sense of disgust. Freedom and Peace are your birth right and you have to earn it with sustained and diligent effort. Let good sense prevail.'

'Yes, I am a terrorist. You made me one.'

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's War

Dear One,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I lived in Rome during the third century. That was long, long ago! At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius. I didn't like Emperor Claudius, and I wasn't the only one! A lot of people shared my feelings.

Claudius wanted to have a big army. He expected men to volunteer to join. Many men just did not want to fight in wars. They did not want to leave their wives and families. As you might have guessed, not many men signed up. This made Claudius furious. So what happened? He had a crazy idea. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages. Young people thought his new law was cruel. I thought it was preposterous! I certainly wasn't going to support that law!

Did I mention that I was a priest? One of my favorite activities was to marry couples. Even after Emperor Claudius passed his law, I kept on performing marriage ceremonies -- secretly, of course. It was really quite exciting. Imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride and groom and myself. We would whisper the words of the ceremony, listening all the while for the steps of soldiers.

One night, we did hear footsteps. It was scary! Thank goodness the couple I was marrying escaped in time. I was caught. (Not quite as light on my feet as I used to be, I guess.) I was thrown in jail and told that my punishment was death.

I tried to stay cheerful. And do you know what? Wonderful things happened. Many young people came to the jail to visit me. They threw flowers and notes up to my window. They wanted me to know that they, too, believed in love.

One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Her father allowed her to visit me in the cell. Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours. She helped me to keep my spirits up. She agreed that I did the right thing by ignoring the Emperor and going ahead with the secret marriages. On the day I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. I signed it, "Love from your Valentine."

I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day. It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269 A.D. Now, every year on this day, people remember. But most importantly, they think about love and friendship. And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh -- because they know that love can't be beaten!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Man, Devil & God

Dear One,

'The reason he is so powerful, is because, he's made pact with the devil,' a very devout woman in the street told the boy, and he was intrigued.

Some time later, when he was traveling to another town, the boy heard a man beside him remark:

'All this land belongs to the same man. I'd say the Devil had a hand in that.'

Late one summer afternoon, a beautiful woman walked past the boy.

'That woman is in the services of Satan!' cried a preacher angrily.

From then on, the boy decide to seek the Devil out, and when he found him, he said:

'They say you can make people powerful, rich, and beautiful.'

'Not really,' replied the Devil. 'You have just been listening to the views of those who are trying to promote me.'

- Adapted from 'Like The Flowing River' by Paulo Coelho

What a beautiful story is this? In the nexus between Devil and God, we humans, act as the spokesperson. We denounce everything that "we" don't like (or understand) and brand it heretical, and of the things "we" support (and claim to understand) becomes heavenly inspired.

God & the Devil know what they stand for; Alas! we don't.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Night Of Evolution

Dear One,

Today is Shivarathri, the holy night of Shiva - The Night Of Evolution. It is a symbolic night, when Shiva, the greatest of yogis, becomes freely accessible to his ardent devotees. It is the night when he open his eye of wisdom to bless his devotees and grant them a glimpse of the Divine. Divinity, verily stands on the verge of human understanding this night. It is a night for humans to evolve from darkness unto light.

Shiva, has always fascinated me since childhood. His appearance as a mystic vagabond, with matted dread locks, holding a trident and the damaru, gives him a distinct personality that no other god in the hindu pantheon has. His half closed eyes, ever swimming in a thoughtless pool, holds the mysteries of creation itself. His serene posture conveys a sense of complete mastery over body and spirit. His legendary third eye, denotes he of is all-knowing nature; where past, present and future collide and disperse into nothingness.

He is the one, who has renounced everything, but grants anything, his devotees ask of him. He is thus called,  Bholenath, because he is innocent as a child. He roams everywhere, almost naked, clad in the very Universe he created, as his attire. Shiva is the personification of all the human qualities, tempered and transformed into Divine. Such is his greatness, that his mere thought is enough to grant you salvation.

Today, is his special night. It is when, all positive forces of nature synergizes together to create a night, filled with powerful cosmic vibrations. Universe, moulds itself into a receptacle of Shiva's flowing grace. It sings an ode to the Creator Himself, thanking him for His wondrous creations. Creation puts on it's best show for the Creator tonight. Tonight, you have a chance to transform yourself from the ordinary to extraordinary. Meditate in silence, on the wonders of creation and open yourself to receive Shiva's benign grace.

Shivaratri, is a night of fasting, so that you may be filled. You meditate on  him who is eternally free, so that you are never bound by your transient miseries. You chant his name, so that every cell in your body vibrates to a rhythm divine. You worship Him, so that you he can become a part of you.

Tonight, is the night to remember the limitless, in order to transcend your limitations and earn his grace. Worship Him with your devotion, for, you can realize your true nature, which is Shiva Himself. Never fail to remember, that you are His own reflection. To worship Him, is to celebrate your very existence, which is,  Satyam - Shivam - Sundaram (Eternal - Auspicious - Beautiful)

Be Blessed. Be Free.

Har Har Mahadev! Jai Shiva Shambo!

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Death Of A System

Dear One,

Couple of days ago, a NID college student, slashed the face of an accused child molester DGP with a knife - RDB (Rang De Basanti) style. I think, that was one of the bravest acts of desperation; turning the lawless victor into a victim. What the law courts couldn't met out, a common man executed it. I am not supporting vigilantism, but when law treats such highly placed criminals with callous apathy, someone has to take matters in their own hands.

I know, many righteous "Upholders of Morality" will condemn such blatant actions, but what are they doing about it? Discussing it on national television or writing about it in newspapers won't solve it one bit. Ultimately, after all the tall talks, they go home and sleep over it. All they need is cheap publicity at the cost of someone's dignity. Do they care of the pain and agony the victim and their families go through? No. As a matter of fact, we too, fail to understand, as crime has become nothing but a sort of reality show for us. 

I am definitely for peace; no doubt, but at times you have to wage a moral war to protect this peace. Gone are the days, when the hearts of our leaders were moist with conscience and candor. It has been taken over by an intense struggle for power, leaving no stone unturned to usurp the rest. Also, the power of money and position, have made many of these bureaucrats virtually untouchables - i.e., untouched by law. Law, they seem to think, are only for the common man; who is always exploited and helpless.

However, the dormant wrath of the common man is being provoked time and again by these "Protectors Of The State." We have come to realize that both, the law and the law makers are mere puppets in the hands of the powerful. It takes ages to deliver justice to the oppressed. Remember the case of Jesicca Lal and others similar. It was such a shame on our so called "democratic rights", for the way they had to struggle for justice, even after having all the facts in place.

How long do we grope in this national impotence and apathy. India is getting murkier than the waters of the Ganges. The hearts of men have turned impervious to any human emotions, save their own. And all we do, is just keep wagging our tongues about empty love and peace, and let our hearts be damned with foul blackness and contempt.

This is definitely not the India I am proud to be associated with. The India I dream of, is where no one is above the law and where money and power does not dictate the last word. We live in a nation where men and women, by their exemplary lives, managed to etch their rightful names in the pages of history. No doubt, they had their flaws, however, they outweighed them with their sense of solidarity and patriotism.

All these words seem so alien to us, isn't it. All we know about patriotism is, when there is a cricket match between India and Pakistan. The rest are for the power brokers to handle and worry about. We seldom care to know about our constitutional rights; let alone stand for them. It's time we change the system and ourselves. Stop passing the buck and stop blaming. Raise your voice against corruption or anything that is unlawful. Anything that is morally crippling, let us stand against it together.

Let us support the select brave ones, who are trying lawfully to clean up the system and restore it back to it's pristine state; so that people like you and me can live in peace - without any fear.

Stop existing and start living.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world. (And if need be, fight for peace)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Sand Grain

Dear One,

I am going to tell you a story - The story of a lowly grain of sand.

It was tiny, coarse and grainy; and it lived by the sea. It was just a miniscule speck of sand, so as it's countless brethren. They all shared the bosom of the sea. The sea held a special fascination for our little grain. But the sea, with it's changing moods, used to toss and mix the small grain hither and thither with it's wavy hands, night and day. The unfortunate sand grain neither belonged to the land nor to the sea. A day came, when the sand grain was fed up with it's mundane existence. It prayed to God to relieve it of it's constant misery and take it back home.

God simply smiled.

Years passed by, the sand grain was still the same; forlorn and destitute. It had began to accept it's misfortune and led an uneventful life. Acceptance is an invitation to misery. Life, thus went on for the poor sand grain. Now, it had stopped praying, as it had resigned to it's plight.

One day, a huge wave appeared from no where and sucked it deep into belly of the mighty sea. The poor sand grain didn't resist as it had given up all hope to be of any use. The belly of the sea was churned from it's very pit and the sand grain got lost once again amongst it's countless counterparts. But this time, something happened.

A small shelled creature got hold of our protege and let it stay in it's abode. The sand grain, at first, got scared by the white fleshy interior, but then got used to it gradually. It knew, it was at least safe from the foamy hands of the capricious sea. As days went by, it soon found itself covered in a sticky lac produced by this hideous creature. It vehemently protested and fought the transformation; but it was too late.

As the glean of the morning sun kissed everything, something cracked open in the hands of a sailor. It was an oyster. From it emerged a shiny white pearl of exquisite beauty. It shone like the moon, while the sun was still around the corner. Whoever saw it was taken by it's beauty and freshness. It's beauty made the sea blush with envy. It became the cynosure of many eyes and it's life had come a full circle. The grain of sand had attained salvation.

Once again, God simply smiled.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Wish List

Dear One,

'If you had all the money in the world, what would you be doing with your life?'

I know it's a highly speculative question, but it has a much deeper implication attached to it. Certain questions have the power to unlock the truest of answers from you. Answers, that can verily change your life for better. Answers, that can open your mind to better questions. Answers, that can be a revelation to help you to see  through. What is the use of a question, if it doesn't elicit a genuine answer?

This is one such question. Think honestly and make a list of 10 things you would love to do, unmindful of any financial constraints. Write it down, and start working on it right away to fulfill as many as you can in the remaining lifetime. Don't bother about the money bit. Remember, if the purpose is strong enough, money will pour just enough.

My master list of 10 things that I would love to do, if I am crappy rich :

1. Go backpacking with a close friend in careless abandon to all the remote places on Earth.
2. To gain a private audience with The Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Paulo Coelho and Dr. Michio Kaku,  to name a few, and understand their enigmatic minds through their casual words.
3. Own a majestic green 500 CC "G2" Royal Enfield Bullet Classic, and discover the vagabond biker within. (viz. Che Guevera style & by the way, this time, no close friends included***)
4. Take my parents (sis, you are included too) on an All India Tour (and a World Tour, if time permits:) to all the places their eyes could feast on.
5. Write at least one book that shall be ground breaking and life transforming to many a hapless souls.
6. Get lost in the ruins of Macchu Picchu or the Angkor Wat and rediscover my life and faith afresh. (At times, to find yourself, you need to get lost first) 
7. Own the most powerful telescope and a microscope; and watch the biggest and the smallest creations of God in child like wonder.
8. Learn to play at least one exotic musical instrument to perfection. 
9. To feed at least a million starving souls with food for their stomachs and wisdom for their souls.
10. Finally, to throw away all the money to the winds and live without a penny; with just contentment as my garb.

The wish list will go on, but keep your top 10 things alive by dreaming about it night and day, to make it possible some blessed day.

Peace in oneself - Peace in the world.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Wordless Relationships

Dear One,

I sometimes wonder, as what attracts one to another. Is it a mere physical pull or a deeper mental and emotional compatibility that does the trick and make it click? How is it we get connected instantly to someone we happen to meet for an hour, and on the other hand, we spend a lifetime trying to decipher and understand few others. What is the secret of a great exciting relationship?

Relationships can become quite complicated if you don't understand it's purpose. Having said that, it is also very important to understand the role of communication in building life long relationships. Often we think that communication is just through the medium of words; but there is a deeper and a more effective mode of communication - Loving Silence. For me, the main element of a great relationship is the ability to understand your partner's silence as much as you can understand their words. Words are just an expression of your silence; if you fail to understand it, words becomes pure noise.

I am not trying to sound far-off or mystical, but the heart of the matter is, too many words tend to add  confusion in the already confused minds like yours and mine. The true purpose of words is to help create silence. What I mean by this is very simple. If my words can bring about a sense of caring calmness in you, then it is useful communication; if not, then try silence. Loving silence, in no way is apathetic or callous by nature. It is, in fact, highly constructive and building, if used thoughtfully. If used casually, it spells doom.

Loving silence in relationships is needed for times such as these, where we are quick to censure and slow to understand feelings. Misinterpretation has become our favorite past time indeed.We try hard to emote our feelings through words, but midway, somehow the essence gets lost in translation. All we are then left with, is a broken heart and a mouthful of empty words; both difficult to regroup once let loose.

Silent communication is as essential as meaningful expressions of words, to nurture healthy relationships. It can be a source of great clarity and understanding. A silent yet loving expression can be more expressive and mature than a hundred futile words. Here's what worked best for me. (Use them at your own risk though ;-)

- Let your eyes spark a genuine smile.
- Listen more. Speak less.
- When in doubt; keep quiet.
- Don't assume to make an ass of you and me
- Give ample space to your partner. Relationships, like trees need ample space to grow.
- Take a "Loving Silence Break" together once in a while.
- When arguing, one partner has to necessarily befriend silence (Don't be the silent one all the time)
- Don't talk at the same time. Two sharp wagging tongues often end up cutting each other.
- Allow your loving actions to speak more than your expressive words.
- Spend less time arguing on the details. Learn to see the bigger picture instead.
- At times, just let it be. Let go of it, to make it come back to you.

No one has expressed the power of silent relationships, more beautifully than the silent mystic, Khalil Gibran, when he said - "If you don't understand my silence; you will never understand my words."

That sums it all up. In silence I say peace be with you.

Peace in oneself - Peace in the world.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Man Vs. Wild

Dear One,

I am a vegetarian and I don't eat meat. As a matter of fact, I pass off anything that moves. It was a personal decision I made a long time back, when as a kid, I saw a chicken being slit open in front of my very eyes. The poor chicken struggled to set itself free from the clutches of the butcher, but his grip was too strong and experienced to let it go. Defeated as a forlorn soldier, it resigned itself to it's pitiable fate. The butcher, with one clean sweep of his sharp knife, slit it's throat open. Blood flowed profusely from the chicken's throat and tears trickled down from my eyes.

Thousands of years ago, when humans were still evolving, they were fascinated with ferocious wild animals and their dominion over the rest of the breed. They took it for certain that if they eat their flesh and blood, all the potent qualities of that animal will be imbued in them. That age old myth was the beginning of  man's insatiable desire to taste fresh blood and flesh.

Humans are primarily a herbivorous species and don't need meat for their survival. It is an acquired evolutionary misgiving that meat is healthy. Do you know, that it takes nearly 42 to 78 hours to digest any meat product due to the presence of complex insoluble proteins. There is a host of deadly carcinogens in dead animals that can become a silent harbinger of disease.

Recent research has also shown that when animals are about to be butchered, they are in a state of panic and they release a certain chemical compound that is highly toxic for human consumption. Each year, nearly two million, in the US alone, fall sick due to meat related diseases. Is it worth the risk?

Thousands of animals have been butchered for their flesh and bones. Whales, tigers, tortoises, cows etc. you name them and they are butchered for human satisfaction. Our planet is suffering. In large measure, the escalating loss of species, destruction of ancient rain forests to create pasture lands for live stock, loss of topsoils and the consequent increase of water impurities and air pollution have all been traced to the single fact of meat in the human diet. (Read The Butterfly Effect)

No decision that we can make as individuals or as a race can have such a dramatic effect on the improvement of our planetary ecology as the decision not to eat meat. Go vegetarian and do your part in maintaining this delicate ecological balance.

By the way, have you registered for the "Save The Tiger" campaign? Only 1411 tigers left you see; the rest of animal kingdom soon to follow.

Go green - That's the only way you can help.

Peace in oneself - Peace in the world.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

One For The Road

Dear One,

I love to go for early morning walks, when the world is still asleep and the birds are busy preparing to welcome the morning sun. That's the time when I best connect with nature. The fresh air fill your lungs and the vast blue sky uplifts your spirits high. You stride ahead with careless abandon and the road encourages you to keep moving on. It is a kind of mindful meditation for me. Every step you take ahead is one step you leave behind. 

Walking, apart from being a great exercise can also be an effective tool for meditation. Everyday, walk at least for half an hour all by yourself, being fully aware of what you see through your eyes, hear through your ears or when picking up various scents with your nose. Walk freely to experience every bit of nature's  unfolding mysteries but don't forget to be aware of the road below and worry less of the road ahead. For once, don't bother about reaching your destination; enjoy the journey instead.

I walk to experience a deep sense of tranquility within. When I sometimes sit for meditation, different noises tend to seep in to me even as I try hard to concentrate. But when I am walking, all external noises just dissolve in each other leaving behind a tranquil silence within. Movement, ironically, creates a sense of stillness in me.

While walking, the scenes keep changing each moment leaving you with no choice to choose or stick to any of them. That is the greatest lesson, mindful walking teaches you when you take it's path. It prompts you to see, to hear, to smell and to feel everything on your way to the fullest, but then, it also gently prompts you not to attach yourself to anything. Just walk on and let the rest of the world just be for the time being.

Next time when you go for a morning walk, open your soul to the road. It will take you on a road to self-less discovery, where you will leave behind yourself only to become a part of the road. Take the road less travelled and enjoy the sights and scenes of a lifetime.

Keep walking...

Peace in oneself - Peace in the world.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Eight Stages Of Life

Dear One,

We begin our journey on this earth by taking a deep breath and cry our guts out proclaiming our arrival. When it's time to leave, we heave a deep sigh of relief and make others cry in return. In between those two vital breaths, is the one journey called life.

Life, so it seems, unfolds a new chapter every eight years of your life. These eight year itch turns out to be a hit or a glitch based on the way you live it.

The first eight years are filled with a sense of freedom and fun. It is when we taste the joys of a carefree childhood. We play with toys, talk to the birds, listen to the skies and ask wonderful questions to appease our imagination. It is a time a blissful self expression; it is a prelude for the years to come.

The next eight years are the years of adolescence.  It is marked by diligent studies and exploring the realms of your body and mind. Books become your constant companions. Grades become your sole target. We stop exploring and start agreeing. It's when innocence takes a U-Turn towards adulthood.

The subsequent eight years are the most exciting part of our lives. It's when the hormones play a frenzied dance at the touch of slightest stimulation. Toys get replaced by friends and theory by practical exposure. Rules are broken. You smoke your first cigarette and taste the addictive bitterness of beer. Matters of the heart rule over your mind. This is the period of eternal youth when you become a mighty Hero ready to take on the world. That's just before reality sets in.

Now, comes the next eight years filled with intense labor and hard work to claim your rightful place in this competitive world. We struggle to build our career, time and money to take on the next eight years. Girlfriends give way to a wife and you get ready to be tied in holy matrimony for life. Earning money becomes the prime factor of your existence.

This is the eight year stage when two becomes three. Children of all shapes and sizes fill your life with pure joy and happiness.  You work doubly hard on your finances so that you can make provisions for the future. Your stint as a doting father begins with excitement and borders on to righteous frustration when you are forced to juggle various roles and responsibilities to keep the flame alive. Gone are the carefree days when you simply packed your bags and went out to explore your wild side.

Then comes the eight years of mid life crisis. You don't know where your life is up to. Your job starts to weigh you down as a heavy baggage on your shoulders, even when you aspire to be your own boss. Your children, by the way are attending the best of schools/colleges and that requires constant pumping in of moolah. So you choose to hold on to your dear lifeless job and life lest you become a jobless martyr.

This next eight year stage leaves your head with a mixture of black and white; rather more of white. Your body is worn out by the constant exertion and your mind seeks solemn peace. You have resigned your job with a decent bank balance and now all you want is, to live your life all over again. Is that really possible?

Alas! Your body has become a host to many diseases, who came in as a guest in your youth but stayed with you ever after. You rely on children for your existence, hoping they repay you back your kindness. Your children think of you as a burden, more so, you think yourself to be one. Your words no longer have the ring to it and your life too is losing it's shine. Your wife of many years (blessed art thou!) is the only friend you have left.

All you do now is wait for the angels of death to come and take you to a kingdom far away, hoping to have a lavish life that you always dreamed of. You let go a real life to embrace a dreamy death. Oh Man, what a plight you have gotten yourself into.

All throughout life, we are in some constant search or the other. A search that has no meaning; a search that never ends. You live all your life through the years, failing to fill all the years with life. Is that what we call the journey of life? Is that it? What is the true purpose of life? Find it - Know it - Live it.

Don't let go of your life. This journey is once in a lifetime offer. Realize it's worth and live it completely without any regrets. All the best.

Peace in oneself - Peace in the world.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to Become A Politician

Dear One,

So you aspire to become a politician.

One rule of thumb to remember is "When no one pays heed to your pitiful existence; create havoc and make your presence felt". This is the hottest political mantra of today's pseudo-protectors of the country. Each passing day, the menace of unwarranted political publicity is breaking new grounds and people alike.

Here are a few pointers to become an avant grade politician -

- Have a following of bigoted individuals willing to do anything for the sake of their party leader's alter ego
- Once a month (the more the better though), pick on an unsuspecting celebrity to further your cause
- Forget their contributions and denounce their actions and credibility by unleashing a verbal diarrhea of allegations
- Treat your state as your own familial property and do whatever "you" think is right
- Put your own state above the nation, making it a pseudo-democratic country, within a country
- Talk of being an Indian but beat the wits of anyone who don't belong to your home state
- Force everyone to learn the local language; else you brand them heretics and outcast them
- Twist cultural and historical facts for personal and party gains
- Demand all the roads and fly-overs be named after their loved on
- Start to believe that without your existence the earth will stop rotating
- Use muscle power when brain power seems out dated
- Talk non-stop, even when no one's listening
- Criticize and blame everyone. But when criticized, hold the state to political ransom
- Make tall claims and deliver nothing
- When the city is being bled by a group of paltry terrorists; stick to your hi-security home turf and thank god how safe you are
- However, watch the proceedings in your Hi-Fi television and give fiery commentary to your party workers
- Pick on everything that is irrelevant and let go of the vital ones of concern
- Keep talking and stop acting; that's the name of the game
- Think just about yourself and your party's well being. Don't dare to care about your country.

What a sad plight we have managed to put ourselves into. The ever-perfect politicians are not to be blamed for this. It's people like me and you who care a damn about anything, save our own selves.

Wake up before it's too late.

By the way, if you are still determined to become a politician and wish to do something different, then my vote's all yours.

Peace in oneself - Peace in the world

P.S - I am not canvassing for or against any political unit. It's just an outpouring of a hapless and disillusioned  citizen of INDIA.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Food For Thought

Dear One,

One author who has influenced my way of thinking and living was the late Jesuit priest, Father Anthony De Mello. He was a man of wonderful stories; simple short nuggets of wisdom, enough to create a cataclysmic change of perception and destroy habitual barriers. His style of writing was direct, hard hitting and unsparingly transparent. He was a catalyst of change who made organized orthodoxy squeal in discomfort by his unconventional wisdom.

I remember the days when I used to bunk college and go to a local library to devour his books with blissful oblivion. Once, the aged librarian who used to log my frequent visits and my choice of books, gave me a wonderful piece of literary advice. He said, "Books are the food for thought. You should select hem carefully, eat them slowly, chew them thoughtfully and digest them completely. Else they can arrest your mind."

Those were the days of true education; secular in no sense, but education nonetheless. What I learnt then, remains with me till date. It has become a part of my very being. True education is practical and lifelong, the rest are just matter of facts.

Very few writers have a soul in their writings. They have the power to catapult your imagination to unimaginable heights. They touch your very being with their soulful writings and stir a revolution of sorts within you. A writer, according to me is a dealer of dreams. They help you add color to your black and white dreams. A soulful writer makes you a part of their inner world, binding you to something very delicate and personal.

Few authors, like Father Anthony De Mello have managed to capture my imagination, others being Paulo Coehlo and Richard Bach to name a few. Their writings inspires you to believe the unbelievable and dream the impossible. I too, someday, wish to evolve as a writer whose writings has the power to inspire and transform lives.

I leave you with some of the best writings of Father Anthony De Mello for you to ponder and enjoy.

a) When it became clear that the Master was going to die, the disciples were depressed.
Said the Master smilingly,
"Don't you see that death gives loveliness to life"?
"No. We'd much rather you never died".
"Whatever is truly alive must die.
Look at the flowers; only plastic flowers never die".

b) All questions at the public meeting that day were about life beyond the grave. The Master only laughed and did not give a single answer. To his disciples, who demanded to know the reason for his evasiveness, he later said, "Have you observed that it is precisely those who do not know what to do with this life who want another life that will last forever"?
"But is there life after death or is there not"? persisted a disciple.
"Is there life before death? — that is the question"! said the Master enigmatically.

c) To a visitor who described himself as a seeker after Truth the Master said, 
"If what you seek is Truth, there is one thing you must have above all else".
"I know. An overwhelming passion for it".
"No. An unremitting readiness to admit you may be wrong".

Peace in oneself - Peace in the world

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Simple Truth

Dear One,

Not long ago, a lay monk wanted to know the true essence of Buddhism. He travelled far and wide and met many Buddhist masters to know the secret, yet he felt, they somehow missed the core.

While traveling thus, he found an old Master sipping a cup of tea with great relish. He came to the Master and asked respectfully, 'What is the essence of Buddhism?'

The Master took a piece of paper and beautifully inscribed on it "Attention."

'No Master,' said the young disciple, 'You got me wrong! Tell me the true essence of Buddhism.'

'Alright', said the Master thoughtfully and took the paper back and wrote 'Attention - Attention.'

Now the disciple was perplexed. He thought the Master had lost his sanity due to old age. He regained his composure and asked the Master once again, 'Master! That is not what I asked. Tell me what is the core teaching of the Buddha.'

The Master silently took the paper back once again and wrote, 'Attention - Attention -Attention'

This is truly the core teaching of the Buddha - Right attention to your speech and sight; right attention to your body and breath; right attention to your mind and heart.

Truth is always simple. The realized Masters have always expressed the ultimate truth in the simplest of terms. But we intelligent mortals, take pride in complicating it by our own intrepretations and end up writing a thousand books to explain a simple truth. A thousand words can fail to convey what a thoughtful word can. So, let's pay attention and understand the truth the way it is to be understood - In respectful silence.

Peace in oneself - Peace in the world.