Friday, January 15, 2010

Giving Back

Dear One,

After a three day hiatus I am back to do what I love to do...writing of course.

Well, in the last few days ideas and insights have been flashing in my mind prompting me to take a decision. Your life changes for better or for worse by a decision you take; the rest are just superficial excuses.

Looking back, my childhood was nothing short of extraordinary. It handed me vivid experiences through set backs and frequent failures to make me want more for success. Many people came as guiding angels but most came down as cruel morale busters. I ended my school/college days on a bitter note, but my schooling in the 'Life Experience University' continues to this day.

What makes a child grow with cynicism? A truth handled with grave brutality. I knew I wasn't a bright student as there were hundreds of people to tell me just that. But very few cared telling me what I was good at, as the rest were busy trying to dig out my deepest flaws. A child blooms when nurtured with timely appreciation and withers away with undue criticism and comparison.

I have made a choice. I have decided to give back, as a gesture of gratitude to the same society, who once thought I and millions like me are worthless if you don't get good grades. I have decided to teach deprived vernacular children the necessary life-skills to survive in this highly ego-centric and cynical world.

I have decided not to throw away my life in climbing the vain corporate ladder, when it can be used as a ladder for others to climb and explore their own potentials.

I have decided to give back in loving kindness what I once received as rueful mockery. And this time I am not to be judged on the basis of my certificates.

Let's stop asking for more for and give back for a change.  Wake up! The world is much bigger than you and me.

1 comment:

  1. dont worry mate..we are all here to fulfill a purpose...Good Luck and may God bestow all success to you! count me in for any help on these efforts..Ajay
