Sunday, March 28, 2010

20 Things He Wish She Knew?

Dear One,

This is dedicated to all the girlfriends and wives, who are in a love-hate relationship with men in general; and are clueless on how to decipher this queer Martian species.

So, you accept you are in a relationship with a man from outer space and want to learn his language to communicate better and co-habit in peace. I agree, it can be very irritating for you and your man, to understand each other as you both speak different tongues. When you don't understand a language, the words can seem meaningless, however, the minute you begin to understand it, it can open many doors.

In order, to help you understand our language and make you see things from a man's perspective, I have jotted the following for you. This is a free translation of quips and quotes from a man's "Book of Wants and Do Not Wants." (It ain't a real book...Just F.Y.I)

Alright, to begin with - Every man is more or less the same, but that cannot be said of a woman. We have similar quirks, desires, wants and needs and we inexplicably love everything that makes our life complicated - You included! Of course, you are also one of those rare exceptions, we call - "Sweet Complication." Without you, our life can never become complete.

On behalf of the "Martian Group Of Neglected and Misunderstood Men" (MGONMM), I take this opportunity to write about ourselves and our expectations from girl friends, wife and life in general. You can use these practical pointers to make your relationship, less cluttered and uncomplicated and do the same justice with your men too. Remember, these are not magical incantations to help you gain access into man's secret world of desires and dreams. (Do they even have one? Find out, the twisted meaning of the acronym - "ADIDAS", and you will know what I am talking about.)

The 20 things, He wished She knew are -

Wish 1 : Express yourself. We just can't understand when you embrace silence for no reason.
Wish 2 : If you're truly interested in us, don't play hard to get.
Wish 3 : Let's face it - Shopping is a chore and not an activity.
Wish 4 : When I screw up, go ahead and tell me - ONCE.
Wish 5 : Stop hitting on my guy friends. Alright, hear it - "We are possessive of you." (a.k.a - Jealous)
Wish 6 : Don't be afraid to ditch the makeup. Natural is sexier.
Wish 7 : When the match is on, we will pay attention to you if you're nice about it. Bark, and we shut down.
Wish 8 : We crave hugs and hand-holding too. And no, it doesn't always have to end up in bed.
Wish 9 : We just may lie to make you feel good. Don't be angry about this. (You really weren't looking for truth anyway.)
Wish 10 : When you get angry over some stupid little pointless thing, we tend to question your intelligence.
Wish 11 : If we offer help while you are getting ready, it means you are late.
Wish 12 : Never ask us to pick your outfit. We just can't differentiate colors.
Wish 13 : When you call us @ work "just to chat," we are not really listening; we are checking our email.
Wish 14 : We don't mind being told we look good. Just don't call us "cute."
Wish 15 : Make us laugh and we'll want to hang around.
Wish 16 : Sure, we like to solve your problems. But a woman who solves her own, while we watch - Instant score.
Wish 17 : We love you even more, because you know we need to go out with the guys once in a while.
Wish 18 : And we love it when you hang with us guys, too.
Wish 19 : Don't rely on us for keeping you up on the daily grape wine.
Wish 20 : Never say, "I know you better than you know yourself." Nobody does.

And one Bonus Wish - Sometimes we wonder why any woman would want to be with us, much less someone as amazing as you. So, thank you for making us better than what we are.

Peace in oneself. Peace in the world.

P.S - "20 Things She Wish He Knew" is NOT going to be the next post; for even 'The One' who created you, can seldom fathom the depth of His most beautiful creation, so who am I to even try?


  1. He he he ..waiting for the next one :)
    Hope above 21 wishes will be grant one day :D

  2. @ Suhas - If only wishes were horses... ;-P
